Movie film shooter Michael Raso gives three quick tips so you can successfully shoot your first roll in your new-to-you vintage Super 8 camera! Three quick tips to successfully shoot your first roll of Super 8 film. Know what battery type your camera takes. Many older Super 8 cameras have two battery chambers. One (usually AA) for the motor and one (usually button cell) for the light meter. ... [Read More]
How-To or What is
Flash Photography with Film! History and Usage.
Flash Photography with Film CamerasBlog by Mark F. O’Brien I have noticed a trend in film photography over the past few years -- that is, many newcomers using film cameras seem to embrace “natural” lighting and eschew using flashes. There is nothing wrong with that, of course. However, upon asking some questions, I find that using a flash is a mystery to them. Perhaps it’s not so much of a ... [Read More]
How To Set Your 8mm Movie Camera F-Stop Using LIGHT METER APP
If you’re new to shooting movies on film, setting your camera f-stop is key to making beautiful exposures! Since most Standard 8mm cameras are manual, I highly recommend using David Quiles’ LIGHT METER APP. It’s free but I also recommending purchasing the $6.00 complete version. Details can be found at the APP order page - ... [Read More]
8mm Magazine Home Movie Film
8mm Magazine Home Movie Film What is it? How does it Work? Is it available? (Quick link - get it HERE) With the rising popularity of Regular 8mm film (especially since the FPP is leading the charge for the most film emulsion options out there!), we’ve been receiving a lot of questions about Magazine 8 and other cartridge-type Regular 8mm movie cameras. That’s good news for me because I have ... [Read More]
How To Expose Film In Your Vintage Movie Camera
What is the #1 question we get here at the FPP when it comes to 8mm movie film? “How do I properly expose new 8mm (Double 8) film in my vintage movie camera?” It’s become the hot topic, so Mike and Owen chat about this frequently asked question in the latest FPP Podcast (and YouTube Simulcast)! Film Photography Podcast Episode 250 - May 1. 2020 On this episode Michael Raso and Owen McCafferty ... [Read More]
Stand Developing for BW Photos: When to Use and Best Results Tips
Today I’m writing specifically about BW film developers and the Stand Development process. With traditional film developers you mix them with water and use the mixture as stock solution (re-usable) or diluted further as advanced formulas that are one-time-use. Once you choose your developer type (there are many that achieve similar results – FPP D96, HC-110, D76, Xtol and others), you adjust the ... [Read More]