We’re Passionate About Film.
Since 2009, it’s been our mission to inspire, engage and inform beginning and professional film photographers around the globe.
Our Film Photography Podcast, YouTube Channel and Blogs share dependable product reviews, tutorials, and tips that deconstruct the complex without dumbing down the content, providing tools that expand skills while supporting your creative output, experiences and passion for film photography.
Along the way, we’ve added some exciting programs and a vibrant on-line store, where you can find reliable brands at affordable prices as well as specialty items like hand-rolled “small batch” films, film development starter kits, photo chemistry, refurbished & tested vintage cameras and assorted FPP branded gear. Most recently, we’ve extended that philosophy to include rare, defunct and forgotten film formats with the launch of our in-house film & motion picture photography lines, bringing you unique items exclusive to the FPP like our new 620 film spools (and consistent 620 rolled film supply), Regular 8 and 16mm double-perf motion picture film – all while maintaining our culture of thrift and refurbishment.
Ask us a question or just drop us a line via e-mail, we’ll be happy to hear from you!
FPP Walking Workshops
If you are interested in meeting up with film enthusiasts and receiving in-person instruction in film photography, printing and more, then check out our FPP Meet Ups and Walking Workshops – just click the hyperlinks to read more about our past events in Findlay Ohio, San Clemente Ca, New York, and London. Companies that have donated their time, facilities and / or products to our past events include Kodak, Lomography, the Impossible Project and The Darkroom.
FPP Camera Donation Program
Interested in placing cameras, film and gear into the hands of students and novice film enthusiasts? Then check out our Camera Donation Program, where through the generosity of our community FPP has provided students and aspiring photographers around the globe including Scio School, Bluffton University, Pickerington High School and Wanteete with tested cameras and film. Find out how to donate your gear on our Donation Page.
Who we are.
Meet the inspiring Film Photography Podcast Host and Co-Hosts who volunteer their time and energy to sharing the joys of film photography!

Michael Raso
Founder / Podcast Producer
Photographer, producer and filmmaker Michael Raso has been working professionally in film and video media arts for over 30 years. After studying cinematography under Czech cinematographer Bedrich Batka at New York University, Michael worked in broadcasting as a producer / editor beginning in 1988 for Comcast Corporation. After many years producing cable television content, he served as an independent producer for such networks as HBO, ShowTime and other networks.
In 2009, Michael’s enthusiasm for traditional film photography and movie making inspired him to start the Film Photography Project and the Film Photography Podcast (FPP). Today, the FPP is instrumental in providing film photographers and film makers with film stocks for long-gone film formats like 620 and Regular 8mm / Double Perf 16mm movie film stocks. Most rewardingly, the FPP’s popular Camera Donation Program continues to place analog cameras, film and lenses into the hands of kids and instructors in the US at no cost to those institutions. In 2016, while still operating the FPP, Michael founded Film Media, a motion picture film restoration and preservation company in Fair Lawn, NJ serving corporations and independent filmmakers alike, in scanning and color grading analog film media to modern high definition digital media.

Leslie Lazenby
Podcast Co-Host
Leslie Lazenby fell in love with photography when she was given her first camera, a GAF 126, at the age of 10. Her first job in a camera shop with a custom and commercial photo lab turned into a 20-year adventure in film; leading to positions in darkrooms, customer relations, and as head of purchasing – experiences she drew upon when she opened her successful photography studio and retail business Mecca and Imagine That in downtown Findlay, Ohio.
When not testing film stocks and developing processes crucial to FPP product development, Leslie employs her broad knowledge base to assist aspiring film photographers in their craft as long-time co-host of the FPP.

Mat Marrash
Podcast Co-Host
Mat Marrash has spent the last decade working with film. From humble beginnings with a Hasselblad and Pentax K1000, Mat worked his way up to large format, starting with this portrait-focused Barberships project and spending several years working with B&W landscapes. He’s dabbled with alternative Mat Marrash has spent the last decade working with film. From humble beginnings with a Hasselblad and Pentax K1000, Mat worked his way up to large format, starting with this portrait-focused Barberships project and spending several years working with B&W landscapes. He’s dabbled with alternative process, and is currently experimenting with new processes involving ultra-large format and color. By day, he works at Midwest Photo where he sells the latest gear and teaches classes and workshops. By night, he’s developing film, printing, and shooting with other local film photographers in Columbus, OH.

Owen McCafferty
Cleveland, Ohio native Owen McCafferty cut his teeth on film photography at the age of 11, shooting Super 8 movies on Kodachrome after discovering his grandfather’s home movies from the 1960’s. That began a life-long passion for all things film photography related, with a special interest in consumer motion picture formats. Owen taught himself how to process motion picture film at home and since joining the FPP, has tested new films and provided in-depth content to spark a passion in others who are interested in motion picture and film photography. During the day, Owen works as a Product & Innovation Manager in Cleveland. An accomplished Professional Genealogist, Owen specializes in Prussian, Polish, and Lithuanian research available online at www.OwenTheGenealogist.com.

Dane Johnson
Frequent guest Dane Johnson loves vintage cameras and has been shooting consistently on film since he bought his Canon AE-1 in 2011 and recently took on the role of web master for the FPP. When not shooting film photography, Dane can be seen playing out around the tri-state area with his band, Bongo Surf.

Mark O’Brien
A life-long film photographer and lives in Ann Arbor, MI. While his favorite camera system is Nikon, he’s tried many other brands and has a working knowledge of most systems. 35mm is his preferred format, and he finds joy in photographing nature, architecture, found objects, and street scenes. He enjoys being a mentor, and is the manager of the Ann Arbor Area Crappy Camera Club (a2crappycameras.org).

John Fedele
Little did Renaissance man and FPP co-host John Fedele know that when he met Michael Raso in a darkroom on the William Paterson University campus in the ’80s, it would lead to over 20 years of collaboration in the visual arts and a co-hosting gig on the Film Photography Podcast. When not playing in the bands The Pink Delicates or The Smoove Sailers, John operates cameras for popular programs on the Food Network, ABC-TV NY, ESPN and the Discovery Channel. Just like in the ’80’s, John shoots with his beloved Minolta X-700 35mm SLR camera

Paige Kay Davis
An interest in early-to-mid 20th century genre cinema sparked Paige’s career as a producer and executive in the home entertainment industry spearheading acquisitions, marketing and licensing of independent genre films domestically and world-wide. A frequent behind-the-scenes contributor to the Film Photography Project, Paige is Director of Film Media, the motion picture film restoration and preservation company in Fair Lawn, NJ.