On January 28, 2020 The Film Photography Project on-line store received its first shipment of Film Ferrania P30 BW 35mm film. (Order HERE) What is it, where does it come from, how do I shoot it and how do I develop it? Read on! Who is Film Ferrania, and what is P30? Until 2010, Ferrania was the leading Italian motion picture and still photography film brand beloved by directors Fellini, De ... [Read More]
How-To or What is
Develop My Own Color Film at Home? – What Stuff Do I Need?
One of the greatest satisfactions comes from taking complete control of your art. In this case I'm talking about your film photography. If you've never developed and scanned your own film, a misconception is that it's a difficult task. I had thought that about color home development. One day some years ago I confessed to fellow podcaster Leslie Lazenby that it would be amazing to develop my own ... [Read More]
Ortho Film – What is it and Should I Shoot It?!
With the release of the brand new Ilfiord Ortho Plus 80 iso BW film you might be asking yourself, "Hey, what is ortho film and why should I shoot it?"" To help you answer that question, let's take a look at the pluses of shooting ortho film as well as the effects this type of film - both new and expired - can achieve: Firstly, what is Orthochromatic film? Orthochromatic films can only see ... [Read More]
LAB BOX – Develop Film at Home in Daylight!
Tips, Tricks and Observations of the Lab-Box. by Leslie Lazenby Editor's Note: The LAB BOX (Deluxe FPP Edition including 35mm and 120 Module, D76 Developer and Fixer is now available at the FPP On-Line Store! Follow this link to visit the LAB BOX order page) If you are not familiar with Lab-Box, it is a daylight loading tank that doesn’t require a darkroom or changing bag to load your film ... [Read More]
16mm Double Perf Film – What Is It? Is It Available?
Whether you’re an avid 16mm shooter already or are just starting to consider shooting this iconic film format, there is one aspect of 16mm movie film you may not be aware of: single perforated (‘single perf’) and double perforated (‘double perf’) film stocks. Editor's Note: The Film Photography Project On-Line Store offers a full line of DOUBLE PERFORATED 16mm Movie Film! What does it mean ... [Read More]
Shooting (Ultra) Low ISO Films!
What’s Is (Ultra) Low ISO Film (and how do I shoot it)? If you scroll around Instagram or Facebook gazing at gorgeous photography as much as I do, you’re bound to come across stunning, distinctive images shot with Low and Ultra Low ISO Film. Low ISO works for just about any subject matter and is often a favorite of portrait photographers looking for sharpness in detail that holds up when the ... [Read More]