How to Make a Monster with a roll of 35mm film! Blog by Michael Raso
It may come as no surprise, I LOVE monster movies! Two years ago the Lomography company sent me their brand new 35mm Movie Maker to test out out and I immediately embarked upon the fun task of shooting some ultra-mini movies. The latest, LOMOKINO Werewolf is completed in time for Halloween! Before I write about what exactly a LOMOKINO is, let’s look at LOMOKINO Werewolf!
What is a LOMOKINO?
The LomoKino is a square, plastic camera that has a crank on the side of it to make movies the old-fashioned way (old-fashioned as in the days of Charlie Chaplin)! The camera takes a standard roll of 35mm film and has three apertures – f5.6, f8 and f11. The shutter is 1/100th of a second and the frame is 24mm x 8.5. When cranking, you expose about 3 frames per second. It took two rolls of 36 exposure Kodak film to make LOMOKINO Werewolf. John Fedele and I make an instructional video explaining the LOMOKINO (below)
The FPP offers the LomoKino camera and scanning services –
Here are a few of the movies I’ve shot and edited using the LOMOKINO:
above: The prequel to LOMOKINO Werewolf!
above: John Fedele in “The Pest”
You can get your very own LomoKino from the awesome folks at Lomography –