Breaking News by Mat Marrash
This past Monday, Eastman Kodak announced that it has reached a settlement agreement with it’s UK Pension Plan, KPP. You can read the fine print over at Kodak here.
And now for the question folks have been asking all week…
“What does this mean for film photographers?”
For us here at the FPP, it means business as usual and Super-Positive! So long as Kodak films are being produced, 35mm – 8×10, the FPP will be offering it to you at the best price possible in our FPP On-Line Store!
Personally, I’ve just purchased a boatload of 8×10 Portra 400, and am loading up some 120 Kodak Ektar 100 to shoot as you read this. Nothing about the way film is produced in Rochester has changed or will with this settlement: same technicians, same yellow box, same unmistakable quality.
“The businesses that we are acquiring will deliver long-term cash flows to support the plan’s obligations. The financial stability that KPP will provide for the Personalized Imaging and Document Imaging businesses will be beneficial to those businesses’ employees, customers and partners.” – Steven Ross, KPP Chairman
Kodak film is here right now, and from the looks of things, will continue to be so for some time. The only way any product stays viable is consumer confidence and usage of product. Instead of focusing on (potential) negativity, let’s think about creativity. In place of (baseless) speculation, let’s use some imagination. Now get out there, stay super-positive, and shoot some film!
The Film Photography Project stocks fresh Kodak film in our on-line store. We ship everywhere! Support Kodak Films! Support FPP! Buy some film today!