Since announcing that PolyPan F would be available in the FPP On-Line Store, the response was so great that we sold out in less than 24 hours! The new, last batch is now available! I’m so thrilled at the enthusiasm over this unique black and white film and I hope to see your PolyPan images on Instagram! Super thanks to Mike B! It was originally his idea to make available 35mm rolls (as the film was only previously available as bulk-load film). – Michael Raso, FPP

SHOOTING POLYPAN F! – Guest Blog by Mike B.
As many know, I am a large advocate of Polypan F film. It’s a Cinema lab copy film, that has little to no anti-halation layer, and can give beautiful bloom effects in bright light. It is also a very thin film, but surprisingly doesn’t scratch easily.
There has been some speculation as to the origins of this film. Anywhere from it being a Ilford Pan F type of film, or some late-run Agfa film. But in truth, there is only speculation, but word is, and this is still, again, speculation, a last-run BW cine copy film from the original Shostka Film Company in Russia. They have been defunct since around 2000 when the Svema film company bought it. One thing that I know, is that I just love using this film. Sure, it’s slow, and sure it isn’t the most fine grained film there is, but that’s fine with me.

above: Top image by Michael Raso / above by Mike B
below: image by Mark O’Brien – Random Camera Blog