Film Photography Podcast / Episode 69 – November 1, 2012
The internet radio show for people who love to shoot film! Michael Raso and Mat Marrash are joined by illustrator Lauren Bagley and special guest Australian photographer Daniel Klaas. Intro to Large Format! FPP Debonair Camera! Models and Release Forms! More!
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Show Notes
Episode 69 – The Shoe from Down Under.
November 1st, 2012
On today’s show: Join Michael, Mat and Lauren for an interview with Australian guest photographer Daniel Klaas! Plus, What’s in Photojojo’s Camera Bag, Getting into Large Format, Model Releases (and why you need to use them), and listener letters!

Get a Release! Speaking of models, the topic of Model Releases comes up. Mike, coming from his background in film and television production cannot stress enough the importance of getting a model release signed. Publishers and production houses will always require it. And besides that it’s just good business, you protect not only yourself but your clients as well. And it doesn’t need to be your traditional signed paper document (although it helps) any sort of paper trail, even email, will be enough to protect your work if the model decides they want their image removed, or if you want to sell your image, it’s good to know that the model is okay with that by the signed document. Pad of Release Forms available right HERE at The FPP!

It’s also a good idea to get proof of age of the model; some countries require that you do, especially if you shoot artistic nudes. If you check out the Model Release Pad in the FPP store, you can find a pad of model releases that you can bring to your shoot, have the subject sign it and off you go. Or you can go online and find templates that you can use and modify to your own tastes.

So you want to shoot large format!
You’ve seen the wonderful images in our flickr pool, you’ve been to a meetup and seen all these huge cameras. Now you want to jump in and do it yourself. The large format question has been sent into the FPP many times now, and it’s been discussed on the show. Now Mat is putting together a three part blog piece for the FPP (read Part 1 here!) that will be your introduction the Large Format. You’ll get everything from selecting a camera, the types of cameras out there, lenses, meters, accessories, even what you need to do processing of the large format films, the films that are out there as well. This is a huge investment and one not to be scared of either With time, patience, research, and practice you’ll get it, and after that it’ll only get easier. So if you’re thinking of going Large Format, try and find a photographer friend who has the camera and see if they’re willing to help you out, and see if Large Format is indeed for you.
With an Australian in the house, Daniel is asked to read a letter from Steve Clark, the recent winner of the Polaroid Super Shooter. The winner, also happens to hail from the land down under, he even sent in some sample images that he took with the camera on FP-3000b film. Visit Steve Clark’s website at:

Lastly, the gang reminds us all to just go out and shoot. Time is starting to run out for all that expired Polaroid you have laying around, shoot some E-6 slide film as well! There are still lots of labs out there that process it. And that’s it for now, see you all in two weeks with the BIG Pdn Photo Expo Show featuring all- new interviews with Kodak, FujiFilm, Freestyle Photograpic and more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!