Breaking News by Mat Marrash
Well folks, it’s finally here! After nearly 3 years of build-up, Bob Crowley and the rest of his team over at New55 have finally launched their Kickstarter campaign. In case you’re wondering what this film is, it’s a totally new formulation of the classic Polaroid Type 55 film. Type 55 was a spectacular single sheet instant film in 4×5″ size that produced a B&W positive, and with a little washing produced a spectacular negative.
Long story short, if you’re a film shooter, now is the time to show your support for the community and kick-in on this project. Yes, their target amount is high, but rightfully so. When I see a number like these guys have presented, it means to me that they’ve taken their time to analyze the market and asses their needs. Many Kickstarters under-ask and end up floundering after their funding period. This $400,000 may seem like a lot, but for even a small to medium size business it’s a pittance to get this kind of product off the ground.
As someone that doesn’t even shoot 4×5, I’m pitching in for this project because it’s something I’d like to see happen for all of my fellow large format shooters. While large format emulsions dwindle year after year, it’s a breath of fresh air to see a start-up focused on providing a solid product to the community.
Will you be backing New55?
Mat Marrash is the co-host of The Film Photography Project
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