September 6, 2018 – A new line of pre-exposed 35mm films from Milan-based artist and design duo Marco Barbereschi and Cinzia Cancedda is inspiring film photographers everywhere and the Film Photography Project (FPP) – a resource for film shooters worldwide and home to internet radio show the Film Photography Podcast – is thrilled to announce that U.S. film shooters can find it exclusively online at
Marketed as “creative color films with special effects,” Yodica films come in seven vibrant varieties, with the packaging and names of the films – Antares, Sirio, Vega, Atlas, Andromeda, Polaris and Pegasus – reflecting the fun, far-out and totally groovy looks you can achieve. Priced for Friends of FPP at $12.99 per 36 exposure roll, they make perfect gifts for the novice film shooter as well as the advanced film photographer “who has everything”. See below for a break-down of the differences in the varieties and image examples:
Antares – warm colors at the top of your frame are balanced by the cool tones on the bottom.
Sirio – green and blue tones throughout give a cool effect to your subjects.
Vega – cool top tones are complemented by the warm orange bottom.
Atlas – expect the unexpected with rainbow colors extending throughout the roll!
Andromeda – see the world through rose colored glasses! Yodica’s Andromeda film gives a pink complexion to everything you shoot.
Polaris – soft blues undulate through each frame.
Pegasus – a horizontal rainbow of colors extending from side to side of your shot!
Michael Raso, founder of the FPP commented, “I’m thrilled to bring this unique film to our friends and podcast listeners exclusively via our on-line store, and looking forward to sharing a new Halloween-themed LomoKino project shot with Yodica film soon! Thank you for supporting small and independent film-only companies like Yodica and FPP!!”
You can see all the Yodica films HERE.
About The Film Photography Project – Since 2009, our mission has been to inspire, engage and inform beginning and professional film photographers around the globe through our bi-weekly internet radio show, the Film Photography Podcast. On it, we share dependable product reviews, tutorials, and tips that deconstruct the complex without dumbing down the content, providing tools that expand skills while supporting your creative output, experiences and passion for film photography.