New Paltz Photo Works
Art is News in this Inspiring New Print Publication
A traditional print newspaper devoted to photography, New Paltz Photo Works is the brainchild of photographer and full-time student Ryan Kraus of New Paltz, New York. A local, free newspaper publication that showcases the work of artists who shoot a mixture of traditional film and digital photography, New Paltz Photo Works also serves the film community by connecting photography students with well-established photographers.

The Film Photography Project (FPP) is happy to post our recent interview with Ryan Kraus.
FPP: Hi Ryan, thanks for taking the time to chat with us! Please tell us a bit about yourself.
Ryan: My name is Ryan Kraus and I am a photographer from New Paltz, New York. I am a full-time student, photographer, and manager of a local martial arts studio. My Instagram is
@Ryansphotoworks, and I publish a traditional print newspaper called New Paltz Photo WorksNew Paltz Photo Works.

FPP: Would you tell us a bit about how you became interested in film photography? How many years have you been shooting film, and what is your favorite film and camera?
Ryan: I started my photography journey in my senior year of high school (Sept. 22) when I took a Studio photography class with my instructor, Todd Martin. This was a traditional darkroom class that taught me all of the basics of photography from shooting to mounting a print. In my first year, I shot and developed over 50 rolls of black-and-white film with my grandfather’s Minolta SRT 101. In terms of an analog camera, I currently shoot with my great-grandfather’s Nikon F3, which I find to be the most user-friendly 35mm camera. I recently got a Canon SureShot Z155 which is very convenient for my workflow. It’s a pocket-sized point-and-shoot camera that gives wonderful grain to images and maintains the film aesthetic. My favorite film stock is basically any and all black and white stocks, but I mostly use Ilford HP5+ or Kentmere 400. I like to have black and white in my Nikon and color in the Canon.
FPP: What gave you the inspiration for New Paltz Photo Works?
Ryan: My inspiration for New Paltz Photo Works came from reading the New York Times and the desire to see my prints physically. Since graduating High School, I have had limited time in dark rooms, making it hard to interact with my work. I figured that if I was feeling this way, then
other photographers must be feeling the same struggle. I created NPPW to give artists a space to see their work and display their talents with the world around them. NPPW is 100% paid for by the artists and businesses involved which is key to the success. The first issue (November 23, 2023) was 8 pages and the third issue (May 2024) will be 32 pages. This is only possible with the support of m my fellow artists, friends and family, and our local community.

FPP: Is New Paltz Photo Works available as a print / newsprint paper publication? Are you selling it or giving it away?
Ryan: NPPW is a free newspaper with roughly 700 copies printed and distributed across New York. I distribute the paper to local businesses around New York, and they are always free to the public. The next issue, released in May, will be the first Nationwide edition. Copies will be distributed in Hawaii, Oregon, and across New York state. NPPW is also published on my website and can be found at the link below.
FPP: What are your goals for the project?
Ryan: My main goal for NPPW is to give photographers a space to see their work and collaborate withother like-minded individuals. In the February issue, high school students who are just startingtheir photography journey were able to connect with well-established photographers such as JonDragonette. This is of key importance to the paper, as it gives photographers a platform toconnect and grow. Another goal for NPPW is to continue to grow both the physical size of thepaper and the number of people involved, while maintaining a strict release schedule of oneedition every three months.
FPP: Are there new projects / gallery shows or other photography-related items you’d like toshare with us and our readers?

Ryan: I had a gallery show on Sunday June 2nd from 12:00-3:00pm. The show was at High Dive Tattoo in New Paltz, NY. I am lining up more galleries for the future, so stay tuned on social media!
In terms of new projects, I am working on refurbishing four traditional newspaper stands
that will be located in the Hudson Valley. I aim to have them up and running soon so that I can use it to display the newest edition of the paper.
Additionally, I recently created t-shirts for my photography company, RyansPhotoWorks. These shirts are printed by a local T-shirt company in the Hudson Valley called T-source, who has been a huge supporter of NPPW. The shirts are printed on Shaka Wear, heavy-weight T-shirts, and will be listed for sale on my website in the next few weeks.
FPP: Thanks so much for your time, Ryan! For those of us who’d like to keep abreast of your upcoming projects, wherecan we find you on social media?
Ryan: Instagram- RyansPhotoWorks