Blog by Brian Moore By way of complete disclosure, I first have to say that I like plastic cameras! In particular I find the softness, distortion and flare from a plastic lens highly appealing. So I was intrigued when FPP announced the availability of the “Plastic Filmtastic 120” Debonair camera, a literal boatload of which FPP’s Michael Raso purchased out of a mysterious warehouse in ... [Read More]
The Mighty Medalist 620 Camera!
The Mighty Medalist 620 Camera by Leslie Lazenby One time I "Googled" either the best 620 cameras or the weirdest 620 cameras and at one point the Kodak Medalist came up. Ohh, I wanted one so it was off to ebay my fingers searched. They are kind of pricey for a camera 50-60 years old and one that takes 620 film. 620 film was made by Kodak as a replacement for 120 film and they stopped ... [Read More]
The Daylight Tank that Really is a Daylight Tank
When is a Daylight Tank really a Daylight Tank by Leslie Lazenby Our modern film developing tanks are referred to as "daylight" tanks, meaning once the film is loaded in total darkness and the proper lid is attached you can then turn on the lights and process your film. Typically the lids of the tanks have light tight baffles and the chemicals swirl, twist and turn around all these little ... [Read More]
Shoot FPP Color Infrared Film!
Shoot Color Infrared Film - Blog by Leslie Lazenby If you want to turn it up a notch and experience something weird, intense or maybe even ethereal with your film photography, try some FPP Color Infrared for some divine unpredictability. Foliage turns red, or blue or even magenta, skin can be pale and eyes look like you can see into a person's soul. Skies and water are dramatic in color ... [Read More]
The Kowa Six Medium Format Film Camera
Sat, 05/14/2016 - 4:00am : : Michael Raso Love for the The Kowa Six Guest Blog by Mike Sherman I’d like to introduce you all to one of my favorite cameras – the Kowa Six! The Kowa Six takes 6x6 photos on 120 or 220 film. They made three versions of this camera; the Kowa Six, the Kowa MM, and the Kowa Super 66. The first model was launched in 1968 and the line ended with the Super 66 ... [Read More]
FPP Filmtastic Holiday Gift Guide 2015!
Blog by Michael Raso Hi everyone and Happy Holidays! Back in 2009 I started the Film Photography Podcast. At the time, I had no idea it would grow into a global on-line film shooting community. I launched the FPP on-line store in 2011 as a way for FPP to maintain and sustain our free workshops, giveaway programs, podcast and instructional videos. In the process, the FPP Store has become a ... [Read More]