Four teens go up against a legendary creature to solve a decades old mystery in REEL MONSTERS, the exciting new genre film from producer Michael Raso and director Mark Polonia that critics are calling "an easy to watch coming-of-age tale." – SYNOPSIS: Four teens are swept into the adventure of a lifetime involving a legendary creature and a mystery from the past that ... [Read More]
Scan Your 35mm Film using Basic DSLR Scanner Kit!
35mm Basic DSLR Film Scanner Kit 35mm is FPP's bestselling film format thanks to its ease and wide range of available films. Whether it’s a day at the beach, a photo walk around your neighborhood or photographing a holiday event, 35mm film is the perfect format. Which is why we’re excited about bringing you the Negative Supply Basic 35mm DSLR Film Scanner Kit! It allows you to easily scan ... [Read More]
FPP Introduces LOVE 35mm BW Film!
Show your love for film with Film Photography Project’s new FILM LOVE BW! An extraordinary 200 ISO BW film that was originally created for surveillance cameras, FILM LOVE BW delivers wide latitude and is ideally suited for everyday shooting (and long exposures too!). Equally suited for landscapes or portraits, you’ll love the smooth consistency and limited grain. Michael Raso and John Fedele ... [Read More]
Let It Snow! LTD Edition 35mm BW Film!
The Film Photography Project is thrilled to announce a new, unique BW film from the Film Photography Project - Let it Snow! Let It Snow offers fine grain for beautiful monochrome images. 100 iso – perfect for all 35mm cameras including compact point and shoot cameras – no DX code needed. Let it Snow's formula is based on our Svema Foto 100 emulsion and dries flat and scans beautifully for a ... [Read More]
FPP’s New Monster Film – WolfMan + Drac is Back! IT’s Last Gasp!
Greetings Fellow Film Shooters! There’s a chill in the air as Halloween approaches…and that means it’s time to announce the newest entry in FPP’s Monster Film Series, inspired by the best-loved monsters of classic literature and cinema! This year’s release is a panchromatic BW film with the same great look of our 16mm movie film, named after the most ferocious, hair-raising monster of ... [Read More]
FPP Salutes Lomography! Analog Champions Unveil New Color Negative Film Emulsion
LOMOCHROME METROPOLIS XR 100-400 FILM The talented crew over at Lomography – responsible for the LomoKino camera and many other products beloved by the Film Photography Project - have released their brand-new color negative film emulsion LOMOCHROME METROPOLIS XR 100-400 film! Available now in the FPP On-Line Store in 35mm, 120 (medium format) and 110 (pocket film), LOMOCHROME METROPOLIS gives ... [Read More]