In a world electronics market that predominately offers only digital cameras to consumers via “Big Box stores” like Best Buy or Walmart, it was amazingly refreshing to hear that retail giant Target (here in the US) would be offering the new Polaroid 300 camera and 300 film. I’ve covered the Polaroid 300 camera on previous blogs, spoke about it on the Film Photography Podcast and even shot a ... [Read More]
Tragic Loss
My heart sank when I heard the news that 29-year old Jennifer English was killed in a tragic accident, here in New Jersey on Monday night. Jennifer was the long-time girlfriend of filmmaker & friend Victor Bonacore. I’ve seen them frequently in the last year no doubt sparked by the fact that Victor is shooting his first feature film using film stock instead of a digital medium. Jennifer, ... [Read More]
Film Photography on Internet Radio
I started recording a monthly Internet Radio show called the Film Photography Podcast last October in order to share my enthusiasm about shooting film. At that time I was already recording a monthly show covering underground B-Movies (called the Alternative Cinema Podcast). I was chewing up so much time on the AC podcast talking about film photography that I decided to branch out and record a show ... [Read More]
Glorious Days with Impossible PX Film
I can’t remember a new film stock being invented in my lifetime as unique and extraordinary as the new line of PX films (for Polaroid SX-70 and 600 cameras). The film was introduced earlier this year by an Indie company called “The Impossible Project.” What's The Impossible Project? “A group of engineers and enthusiasts who leased an old Polaroid film factory in the Netherlands announced Monday ... [Read More]
IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT Grand Opening Party! New York, USA
IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT OPENS STORE IN NYC ON APRIL 30 The spectacular venture that recently started production of a new instant film for old Polaroid cameras - The Impossible Project - is opening a unique retail and exhibition space in New York City on April 30. This will be the first Impossible Project Store in the USA, exclusively dedicated to special products and unique ... [Read More]
Joe Sarno 1921–2010
I received a call late last night that friend and filmmaker, Joe Sarno had passed away. All of us at the studio were very close to Joe the last twelve years, archiving and re-releasing his films around the globe, allowing fans of old and new to enjoy the wonderful films that Joe wrote and directed. Our deepest sympathy goes to Joe’s wife, Peggy and family. We are all devastated by the news. ... [Read More]