This blog outlines proper storage of your film. Remember, it's a guideline for best case scenarios. If you're traveling or storing above these temperatures for short periods of time, don't sweat it...or as we say on The Film Photography Podcast, don't get The Film Sweats! Enjoy shooting, processing, scanning and printing! - Michael Raso Storage and Care of Photographic Materials - Before ... [Read More]
How-To or What is
Body Configuration by Remy Oliver
Image by Remy Oliver 4x5 Aerochrome 1443 slides shot on a Toyo 45 CX ... [Read More]
How Do I Handle Large Format Sheet Film in the Dark?
How Do I Handle 4x5 Sheet Film in the Dark? So you've purchased your first 4x5 camera (like the Crown Graphic pictured below) and some film holders, how do you handle 4x5 sheet film? How do you know what side to load in your film holders? You may have other questions like how is sheet film packaged inside the box? More importantly you may ask, what does it feel like in the dark? Do different ... [Read More]
Color Temperature Blues – What Are Color Correction Filters?
Blog by Leslie Lazenby How are feeling today? Do you know your color temperature? Not knowing can give you the blues or even a fever. I've always thought color temperature is hard to explain. Here is a truncated definition from Wikipedia: "Color temperature is a characteristic of visible light that has important applications in lighting, photography, videography, publishing, manufacturing, ... [Read More]
Developing BW at Home…Beyond the Basics
Black and White Alchemy By Rick Paul, Saguaro Shadows Photography, LLC Introduction Mat and Leslie did an excellent job on FPP Episode 126 explaining some of the most popular choices in film developers, including D-76, X-Tol, HC-110, and Rodinal. My objective here is add to the that conversation by introducing more options in film developers. No D-76! While not completely true, I ... [Read More]
Waiting for your Negs from the Lab? Shoot More Film!
blog by Michael Raso - (This blog was originally published Oct 29, 2009 on the original FPP Blog Site) If nothing else, shooting film has made me a more patient person. Shooting, processing and scan time alone can be a minimum ten-day process. While waiting for my film negs from The Darkroom I usually will use that down time to experiment with another camera or film format. This is exactly ... [Read More]