Disclaimer: Neither the author of this post nor the FPP, claims any liability for any damage done to yourself or others by using the chemistry or following the instructions in this post. Proceed at your own risk. Note that the FPP can develop and scan your home movie film. So, you’ve decided to give black and white reversal movie film processing a go? Congrats! It’s a lot of fun, and the ... [Read More]
How-To or What is
Flash Bulbs – The Lowdown!
The Lowdown on Flash Bulbs Guest blog by Steve Ringrose Editor's Notes: Millions of vintage cameras (especially the Kodak Instamatic cameras here in the US) use flash bulbs. Most cameras that use flash bulbs have the bulb number needed listed inside the camera. If not, head over to the Mike Butkus Camera Manual Site and pick up a camera manual. The flashbulb was developed to provide a safer ... [Read More]
What is Panchromatic and Orthochromatic Film?
Black and White Sees Color! What is Panchromatic and Orthochromatic Film? By Leslie Lazenby All black and white films see color and the type of BW film determines what areas of the spectrum they reproduce and how much of the spectrum they see. Not all are sensitive to the same wavelengths of light. An example - a person with red lipstick, those luscious red lips on BW film, can reproduce as a ... [Read More]
Shooting Spy Film! Minolta 16 / Minox Film
Sub Miniature Film Photography by Leslie Lazenby Way back on March 1, 2013, on FPP’s podcast #77, that I talked about miniature and sub miniature cameras. Basically it breaks down to anything smaller than 120/127 were called miniature and miniature film referred to 35mm. Anything smaller than 35mm is sub-miniature, also known at SubMins. Disc, 110, and 16mm are common formats for ... [Read More]
What is Blue Sensitive BW Film?
The image that inspired this blog post! Shot by long-time Film Photography Podcast listener August Kelm on Svema Blue Sensitive 35mm bw Film / Yashica FX-3 Super 2000 set to 1/8 of a second, an adapted Helios 44-2 lens at wide open (f/2), and a cheap $10 monopod! What is Blue Sensitive film? According to Print-Wiki - "A type of photographic film which is only sensitive to light in ... [Read More]
Make Monsters with the LOMOKINO Movie Maker!
How to Make a Monster with a roll of 35mm film! Blog by Michael Raso It may come as no surprise, I LOVE monster movies! Two years ago the Lomography company sent me their brand new 35mm Movie Maker to test out out and I immediately embarked upon the fun task of shooting some ultra-mini movies. The latest, LOMOKINO Werewolf is completed in time for Halloween! Before I write about what exactly a ... [Read More]