Photographer: BluYote Michael Raso experiencing the effects of Mr Brown Iced Coffee at Film Photography Project's Workshop at The Darkroom. Photo by BluYote (on Flickr) shot on his Mamiya 600 / Fuji FP-100c film. More HERE on FPP's annual free event. ... [Read More]
Untitled Landscape
Photographer: Jeffrey Ideta Jeffrey shot this wonderful Honolulu Hawaii landscape with his Nikon S2 / Nikkor c 3.5cm on Eastman 5363 / Home processed in Xtol 1:1 12.5m Heffrey's favorite film cameras are favorite cameras: Nikon D600 Nikon S2 Rolleiflex 2.8C Follow Jeffrey on Flickr - About Eastman 5363 35mm Film ... [Read More]
New Desperados (Red Scale Portrait)
Photographer:Scott Stallings Zack and erika from the new desperados. camera: nikon f3lens: nikkor 50mm f/1.4 aisfilm: fuji superia 400 red scaled at 25asa. Scott's images on Flickr! What is Red Scale Film? "Redscale is the name given to a technique of shooting photographic film where the film is exposed from the wrong side, i.e. the emulsion is exposed through the base of the film. The ... [Read More]
Photographer: Mig Rodz The Florida Renaissance Festival 2015 Agfa Vista 200 35mm film Nikon F5 Photographer based in Miami, FL All about Art Walks, Street photography, experimental photography digital or film. Public events, people, art, locations, etc. Non commission's work, simply things I saw and captured on camera. Mig on Flickr. ... [Read More]
Photographer: Alexander Rabb Luray, VA USA Nikon F100 Nikon 28mm f/2.8 AF-D Kodak Ektar 100 Alex says: "I shoot film because I like the look, and I love how it makes me slow down and think about the shot I'm taking. And while I used to spend much more time on RAW processing and editing, now most of the processing I do is to get the scan to look like the slide. These days I do most ... [Read More]
Three Generations
Photographer: Alessio Liquori Yashica Fx-3 super 2000 + Carl Zeiss Planar T* 50mm f1.4 + Kodak T-Max 400 Flickr member Terry Sims commented: "Sharing the gossip across the generations, well observed Alessio." Allessio responded: "Thank you Terry. We were in my small village in the Southern Italy and there was a festival... the best situation for sharing gossip!" Allessio on Flickr ... [Read More]